Samuel Ashfield Webb
Samuel Ashfield Webb
I have been active in the Brisbane acting community since before I finished Highschool, competing in youth theatre competitions and joining companies. Brisbane can be a very challenging place to be a young person let alone a creative and I am very happy to be working with Ad Astra again.
Hi! Always a little interesting to be writing about one’s self but here we go! Like many people whose profiles inhabit these pages, I love acting. Theatre, film, words and language are such beautiful things and I feel truly honoured to be learning my craft and working in such a wonderful community with some of the kindest and most compassionate people I have ever met. I was first introduced to the stage by Michelle Carey when I was 14 years old, playing theatre sports in little halls and huge theatres and discovering that feeling for the first time. That same year, she offered me the leading role in the Senior Theatre Production.
Since then, I’ve performed in most major theatres in Brisbane, several times in the Judith Wright, La Boite, Powerhouse main stage and Visy theatre and even as far as HoTA, working with companies like Shake & Stir and through several festivals such as Short + Sweet, Anywhere Theatre Festival and FAST Festival. I have been a member of several wonderful sketch comedy groups that you’ve never heard of, such as the Good Time Boys and the Miscreants performing plays like the Invigilators Incorporated and presenting a series of skits for the Lord Mayor Graham Quirks birthday, A Very Quirky Christmas, at the now closed New Globe Theatre.
I am exceptionally pleased to be working with the wonderful company that Ad Astra is and have so far found it to be a space full of lively and enthusiastic creators where challenges are met at full tilt and fear is just a hell of a wave to ride, which is exactly, in my opinion, the feeling that a decent and functional theatre company should be aiming to create in their space. .
Ad Astra Plays
Upcoming Plays
Past Plays
Other Plays
2021-True Spirit (film), Netflix, Actor, Extra
2021- Acting Classes, Gareth Harris
2018 - Masterclass, Larry Moss
Similarly, Sam Webb does a fantastic job as reductive 60’s psychiatrists, or blustering, unpleasant bullies, or oddly enough a drug dealer with some insane delusions of grandeur regarding the place of his profession is in society. Webb and Wilken have this unique chemistry that makes every conflict between them filled with tension and emotion, even with Webb’s range spread across multiple characters, and Wilken’s across multiple ages.
Michael Di Guglielmo - Stage Door Podcast | Read Review Here
“A talent to keep an eye on, Webb shifts characters and emotions easily from cruel, teasing, taunting and berating to cowering and desperate.”
Natasha Ciesielski | Sydney Scoop | Read
“The supporting cast matches his energy, bouncing between realistic portrayals of adult professionals to theatrically enthusiastic children. Let me cherry pick some favourites. Sam Webb as the school yard bully is suitably both intense and dense”
Paul Gilchrist - Theatre Red | Read Review Here
“Michelle Carey’s production is first class and engages the audience from the get go.”
David Kary | Sydney Arts Guide | Read Review Here
“Lively direction by Michelle Carey keeps us invested in the storytelling”
Suzy Wrong - Suzy Go See | Read Review Here
“It is fitting that the first production in the space is from one of the giants of Australian playwriting. Michael Gow’s “Toy Symphony” reminds us that we should embrace creativity and difference with compassion and patience. And that there can be a little bit of magic in everyone!”
Kate Gaul - Theatre Travels | Read Review Here
Sam Webb arguably almost steals the show from everyone.
His ability to turn from excited school boy to school yard bully, therapist and drug dealer is exceptional. Each role is captivating from moment to moment.
Michael James - QNews | Read full review
Every cast member brought buckets of humour and heart to their multiple roles. Caitlin Hill, Jonathan Weir, Bernadette Pryde and Samuel Ashfield Webb created spectacular, unique characters. The blend of larger than life caricature with moments of real humanity added a richness to the story telling.
Marita Bellas Miles - Theatre Travels Read full review
‘A display of Astra-nomical talent. The performance is enthralling owing to its animated and dynamic reel of highly relatable characters. Each of the cast members demonstrates an impressive range, employing dramatic tension and impeccable comedic timing. Samuel Webb is standout performer, along with Wilken, playing the central role.’
Jessica Forbes - My Village News | June edition
This boutique production company, Ad Astra, is emerging as an important professional theatrical company, which mounts quality works aimed to wow and impress audiences in this unique space in The Valley. Do not miss this quality production it will enthrall you.
Lilian Harrington - Absolute Theatre Read full review
Many of the characters in Toy Symphony were larger than life, exaggerated in Roland’s memory, and the cast used melodramatic characterisations to convey this. The cast demonstrated good comedic timing, and commitment to their varied roles, from playful schoolchildren to doctors and drug dealers. Greg Scurr and Sam Webb delivered standout performances in terms of physical comedy, and the energy with which Webb threw himself into each character consistently drew the eye onstage.
Backstreet Brisbane Read full review
Sam Webb delivered standout performances in terms of physical comedy, and the energy with which Webb threw himself into each character consistently drew the eye onstage.
Beth Keehn - Stage Whispers | Read full review
Sam Webb credibility inhabits a range of characters beyond his years and is particularly memorable in his late-show role as Matthew’s father Dennis Sheppard, who appears only during the trial of the two men who brutally murdered his son to deliver a moving speech pleading for clemency. Webb is eloquently tender as he conveys compassion and love in balance amongst his anger.
Meredith Walker - Blue Curtains Brisbane | Read full review